What is a data model and what is it purpose

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13707286

Name the three stages in the process of developing database system summarize the tasks in each?

Answer the given questions and also justify your answers with proper examples

Question 1: What is a data model and what is it purpose?

Question 2: What is a prototype and what is its purpose?

Question 3: What is a use case, and what is its purpose?

Question 4: Provide an example of a data constraint .?

Question 5: Provide an example of a business rule that would need to be documented in a data base development project?

Question 6: Define the term entity and give an example other than those used in this book?

Question 7: Explain the difference between an entity class and an entity instance.?

Question 8: Define the term attribute and give examples for the entity you described in question 4.7?

Question 9: Define the term identifier and indicate which attribute defined in your answer to question 4.9 identifies the entity?

Question 10: Define the term composite identifier and give an example other than those used in this book?

Question 11: Define the term relationship and give an example other than those used in this book?

Question 12: Explain the difference between a relationship class and a relationship instance?

Question 13: Define the term degree of relationship and give an example other than one used in this text of a relationship greater than degree two .?

Question 14: Define the term maximum cardinality and minimum cardinality ?

Question 15: Explain the ambiguity in the definition of the term weak entity .explain how this book interprets this term.?

Please give a detailed answer so that I may learn from it. Thank you!

Reference no: EM13707286

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