What is a country risk analysis

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131028046

Finished Product: Country Risk Analysis


This assignment is a research essay. Please use at least six peer-reviewed journal articles in preparing this assignment. You may access peer-reviewed articles from our Library databases. Also, you will need to obtain some current information. Click on this link for examples of outside databases that might be used for current information.

"On Wednesday, April 24 [2013] at 9 a.m. an eight-story building named Rana Plaza in the Savar neighborhood on the outskirts of Dhaka [Bangladesh] collapsed with some 3,500 garment workers inside.

Over 1040 garment workers have been confirmed dead. Hundreds of workers have been hospitalized, many with amputations and other severe injuries" (Global Labour Rights 2013, n.p. found at https://www.globallabourrights.org/campaigns?id=0049&gclid=CMGbprLK-7cCFQ_l7AodXHsArQ).

You are a political risk analyst for a manufacturer whose products were made in the Dhaka plant - that is, until the tragedy of April 24. You have been asked by your firm's board of directors to present two viable location alternatives capable of manufacturing adult cotton T-shirts.

Your firm is committed to manufacturing facilities in developing states. In fact, you've been asked to limit your choice locations to two found in a report that the Chairman of the Board asked you to review. "Start here," the Chairman said. "See if you can't find two places for the Board to choose where the wages will be low but the government and tax authorities are not corrupt or unstable. We'd like a good public relations campaign to follow from this and want to remain in the location for at least five years with no major issues." Click here for a copy of the list to narrow your choices of countries. Also review this Harvard Business Review report as it might give you some hints on what questions to ask and answer for the political risk analysis.

Address the following issues:

1. Find two viable alternative states (countries) for production of cotton T-shirts, limiting your choices to those found in the report above. The report mentions a total of 35 countries reviewed but please limit your choices to those actually mentioned in the report narrative.

2. Review the document below "what is a country risk analysis" and focus on the three issue areas highlighted. Limit your analysis to these issues for the two countries you select.

3. Think about 4-5 subheadings for your paper to organize your thoughts for the Board. It is up to you how you present your ideas to the Board. You might ask yourself a series of questions to answer in the report: What two countries are you selecting and why? Historically, how have these two countries developed and how do they compare in political development? What are some of the ongoing issues that might be difficult with these choices? Which of the two states would you recommend overall and why? What would you expect the outcome to be five years from now if your firm agreed to your selection?

4. Make sure the report is easy to read with lots of subheadings for your busy Board of Directors. It needs to be written in complete sentences with no grammatical, spelling, or style errors. The best way to achieve that is to write over the six-page limit by a couple of pages and then edit it to the most important points. But this is your paper, your product - so however you achieve optimal results, go for it!

5. Here are the additional documents you need to review:

Bangladesh in better times - 2010

Fallout from the Bangladesh tragedy

What is a Country Risk Analysis and what are the indicators you need to review for this assignment?

6 pages, double-spaced, title page (optional) and references list count separately as well as any tables or appendices you wish to use.

Reference no: EM131028046

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