What is a code of ethics

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Reference no: EM132243054

Question :

What is a theory and what is its role in Criminal Justice and Criminology Research?

What is a code of ethics and why is it important when conducting research?


Codes of ethics are ethical rules which are the recognized guidelines of behavior for any individual acting in a professional manner that live by and conduct their business by a code of ethics.

The criminal justice field has a standard of conduct. The code of ethics is an important way to keep researchers honest, when a researcher is conducting business either in a scientific or a criminological capacity no matter where the research is conducted.

Any research conducted by those in the criminal justice field will be criminal justice research. But the ethics still apply whether the data gathered involves human subjects or not.

For example, research could just be interviewing certain individuals for certain demographical research, such as updating crime stats, (Banks, 2004).

Reference no: EM132243054

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