What is a childs understanding of death at this age

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Reference no: EM133206522

Assignment: Stages of Development Theory

A. Watch the YouTube video - "Erikson's 8 Stages of Development Theory" (7:21).

Watch the provided video demonstrating Erikson's stages of development and pause after each scene. Explain how that stage is demonstrated through the movie scene. Then come up with strategies and interventions that could be used to support a patient in that developmental stage.
Fill out a word document like this:

For example, the Stage 1: "Trust vs. Mistrust" is shown in a "Monster's Inc." movie scene. The students should be able to discuss how Sully created trust with Boo by playing with her, providing for her, keeping her safe from other monsters, etc. This made her feel safe and secure so she could thrive. When he was seen scaring children at the factory he broke this trust which resulted in stress, fear, anxiety, and insecurity

Stage 2:
Stage 3:
Stage 4:
Stage 5:
Stage 6:
Stage 7:
Stage 8:

B. Watch the YouTube video "Parents allow child to make life or death decision" (5 Min)

In a discussion post please answer the following questions

1. What is a child's understanding of death at this age?

2. Is it appropriate to allow a child this age to make these kinds of decisions?

3. Can a parent refuse medical care or interventions that have been deemed necessary for their child? What grounds can they use to do this?

4. What cultural or religious beliefs may affect the type of care a parent will allow their child to receive?

5. Does a hospital have any rights if parents are making decisions that are not in the best interest of a child?

For parents with natural healing or anti-medicine type beliefs, how can hospitals and medical workers foster trust and meet them in the middle while ensuring patient safety and well-being?

C. Watch the YouTube video "08 Medication Administration" (5 Min). In a discussion post please answer the following questions

1. Were you able to spot all of the errors?

2. Did you see any other concerns in this simulation?

3. What risks are present because of these errors?

4. Have you seen these errors performed in real life? How did you feel about the situation?

5. How would you approach someone you saw doing one of these?

D. Watch the YouTube video - "Caring for patients with autism" (5 min) and "Easy-to-Use Calming Strategies for Autism" In a Word Document Answer the following questions

1. What is autism? What characteristics and behaviors are commonly seen in patients with autism?

2. How can autism affect the healthcare that a patient receives?

3. How can autism affect health or pediatric development?

4. What things can the nurse and facility do to help make hospital or clinical visits less stressful for a patient with autism?

5. How do you feel about the strategies the therapist used in the second video? Would these strategies have been your initial response in this type of situation?

E. Reflection on day- How did it go? What did you like? What didn't you like? What would you change? Etc. There must be thought put into this. If you submit a document with three sentences, I will not accept it and you will have to redo it. THINK about your clinical day. What are things you learned? How do you think you will apply this in your future career? How can you apply it outside of your nursing profession? Things like that. You can expand outside of these questions as well.

Reference no: EM133206522

Questions Cloud

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