What inventory values would caterpillar report

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131695149

Inventory Valuation Methods

Download the 2013 - 2015 financial statements for Caterpillar, Inc.

For this analysis, you may assume a US corporate statutory tax rate of 35 percent.

1. What inventory values would Caterpillar report for 2013, 2014, and 2015 if it had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

2. What amount would Caterpillar's cost of goods sold for 2014 and 2015 be if it had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

3. What net income (profit) would Caterpillar report for 2014 and 2015 if it had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

4. By what amount would Caterpillar's 2014 and 2015 net cash flow from operating activities increase (decrease) if it had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

5. What is the cumulative amount of income tax savings that Caterpillar has generated through 2015 by using the LIFO method instead of the FIFO method?

6. What amount would be added to Caterpillar's retained earnings (profit employed in the business) at December 31, 2015 if Caterpillar had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

7. What would be the change in Caterpillar's cash balance if Caterpillar had used the FIFO method instead of the LIFO method?

8. Calculate and compare the following for 2015 under the LIFO method and the FIFO method: inventory turnover ratio, days in inventory on hand, gross profit margin, net profit margin, return on assets, current ratio and total liabilities-to-equity ratio.

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"The assignment relates to understanding of the impact of change in method of valuation of inventory from LIFO to FIFO for the purpose of Caterpillar Inc. The inventory management can impact on the current assets value, COGS, profitability and a large number of other ratio. All these are analysed in this working"

Reference no: EM131695149

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1/8/2018 12:50:16 AM

please follow the instructions in the message section of the posted assignment. You will have a word and an excel document for complete display. please do take and follow the instructions and do the assignment better as like last assignment which got me an A+ grade.


10/28/2017 2:28:19 AM

Module 5 Assignment 1: Case 7 - The Effect of Inventory on Financial Statement Analysis This is an individual assignment that focuses on what effect the choice of inventory valuation methods has on financial statement analysis. Please click here for the specific details on this seventh case. You will likely have both an Excel file (for your calculations) and a Word file (for your narrative) for this case assignment. Therefore, please use the following naming conventions when submitting your assignment: last_first_mod5_assign1.xlsx (Example: smith_john_mod5_assign1.xlsx) and last_first_mod5_assign1.docx (Example: smith_john_mod5_assign1.docx). Please remember to attach both files before submitting your assignment. If you forget to attach the second file, please resubmit (i.e. a second attempt) and attach both your Word and Excel files. You will be graded based on the attached rubric.

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