Reference no: EM131932290
1. What were the key legal and political antecedents to the civil rights struggle in the 1940s and early 1950s? What organizations played the most central role? Which tactics continued to be used, and which were abandoned?
2. How did African American communities challenge legal segregation in the south? Compare the strategies of key organizations, such as the NAACP, SNCC, Compare the strategies of key and CORE.
3. Discuss the varieties of white resistance to the civil rights movement. Which were most effective in slowing the drive for equality?
4. Analyze the civil rights movement's complex relationship with the national Democratic Party between 1948 and 1964. How was the party transformed by its association with the movement? What political gains and losses did that association entail?
5. What legal and institutional impact did the movement have on American life? How did it change American culture and politics? Where did it fail?
6. What relationship did the African Americans who struggled for civil rights have with other American minorities? How-if at all-did these minorities benefit? Did they build their own versions of the movement?
Text Book: Faragher, J. M. (1997). Out of many: A history of the American people. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall.