What insights will you take into future projects

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131994366

Each student is required to prepare and submit a written research and reflective report of 3300 words (anything over the word limit will be ignored and will not be marked). Write into the template provided to complete your report. Don't set your report out in a separate structure.

The purpose of this report is to 1) reflect your experience as part of a project team in the group assignment, and 2) research on two project management issues in which you are required to use appropriate concepts and models relevant to deepen your insights into the issues.

Your work should be of a high academic standard. Your reflection and research should be uploaded electronically to Blackboard by the due date. You are expected to follow relevant parts of the required style guide, and includes the use of Swinburne University Harvard Style referencing. Your report is to be typewritten into the table provided, in English. The report should be written in clear, plain language, so that non-expert users can easily understand it.

Project Management Issues

The research on Project Management issues are in video format and made available on Blackboard. They are prepared by a number of visiting Swinburne project management scholars.

Complete this Assignment in the tabular template format provided (incl. number of words used)

In grading this work it is expected to see evidence of the choice and usage of appropriate academic theory to deepen your insights of the selected project management issues. As well as a high quality written, appropriately referenced and supported analysis.

Markers are therefore looking for:

  • analytical substance
  • argument structure
  • use of supporting material
  • quality of writing
  • persuasiveness
  • overall clarity
  • internal consistency
  • discerning between assumptions and value judgments vs. analysis and argument.

Introduction Introduction to your project team and your role within it.

Project management concepts Comment on the project significance, aims and objectives and what you have learnt from this experience.

Identify and explain one or two key problem[s]/risk[s] encountered and describe your response and why that approach was chosen.

Team member dynamics Explain what team dynamics worked well during the semester and why. What insights will you take into future projects?

Identify one or two key team dynamics [positive or negative] which impacted your team's performance?

Explain how these were managed. Describe your key learning outcomes?

Team composition and process Identify one aspect that:
Worked well
Did not work so well.
Explain your choice using one illustration for each from your weekly progress reports to support your choice.

List clearly the two chosen project management issues from the chosen international speakers.. Explain why you choose them.

For the first issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue

Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.

Justify your choice.

Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the first issue.

Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.

For the second issue, identify at least one academic theory to deepen your insights into the issue

Briefly introduce [and reference] your chosen academic theory.

Justify your choice.

Using your chosen theory to explain how this helps you to gain deeper insights into the second issue.

Identify your new learning and explain how this insight will influence you in the future.

Attachment:- management issue.rar

Verified Expert

The paper talks about Victoria Road traffic management system. It discusses the project management concepts in illustrating the significance, aims, and objectives of the experience. It also identifies and explains the problems/risks faced in undertaking the project. Additionally, on team member dynamics, it explains team dynamics that worked well and those that impacted negatively as well as how they were managed. The paper also illustrates the composition of the teams and the processes that were followed in ensuring that the entire traffic management system was completed successfully. It also selects academic theories that facilitate in gaining deeper insights concerning the issues identified from the international speakers. From the identified issues, the paper identifies new learning and the impact it would have toward the future. The paper has been prepared using Microsoft Word.

Reference no: EM131994366

Questions Cloud

Why did you choose the leader : Why did you choose this leader? Discuss their leadership qualities/team collaboration and how those have influenced the organization's structure.
What are the risks and benefits of the outsourcing approach : What are the risks and benefits of the outsourcing approach? What are the strategic advantages of outsourcing to vertically integrated firms?
Explain how initial opinions changed : Explain how initial opinions changed, regarding ethical concerns, after the group discussion in Week Four. Describe any state laws that influenced a personal.
Understand the concepts of information systems : As in any complex endeavor, it is important to understand the concepts of information systems security before you start making changes and placing controls.
What insights will you take into future projects : INF70005 – Strategic Project Management - Research and Reflective Report - Swinburne University - Project management concepts Comment on the project
How many payments will she have to make to pay off the loan : If she keep making $1,800/month, how many payments will she have to make to pay off the loan?
Access database that contains tables with relationships : Using Microsoft Access, how do you design an access database that contains tables with relationships, that is in 3rd normal form?
Establish hedging efficiency for the company : Establish a hedging efficiency for the company.
Discussion on current trends : You are at a social media conference and attending a panel discussion on current trends.What types of questions would you ask? Why?



5/24/2018 2:08:19 AM

assignment consists two management issue which we have to selected from the given links. there are 10 links with different management issue but you have to select only two and explain as per criteria. please do the referencing in Swinburne harvard style.

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