What insights or idea can be gleaned from the work

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Reference no: EM133196975 , Length: Wrod Count: 800 words.

Problem: Policing in the Motion Picture In the Name of the Father Paper

Is an 800 to 1200 words (more if you deem it necessary) analysis of any self-selected movie or TV show in which policing/police officers is the primary topic of analysis. Your analysis should examine how the process is displayed by the various character(s) you are studying and how it's explained. What insight(s) or idea can be gleaned from the work, and what are its strengths and weaknesses (with thanks to Dr. William Julius Wilson). Additionally, you should note how the work reflects your knowledge and experience (or lack thereof) with the topic.

Submit a logline for the movie/TV show followed by the lesson(s) learned about police deviance (i.e., both are in the same document).

Reference no: EM133196975

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