Reference no: EM132475330
Assignment: Submit a 13-15-slide narrated, PowerPoint presentation of your Talent Management Plan. Use the Walden University PowerPoint Presentation Template to create your presentation, including the speaker notes area at the bottom of each slide to provide further details and explanations of your points. Then use Kaltura to record your presentation. Review the "Kaltura Media Uploader" section under Course Home. You will find a video with instructions on how to create a video presentation for this Assignment and user guides. You can practice as many times as you would like before handing in your final video Assignment.
Your presentation should include the following components. For each component, be sure to include an analysis of at least two theories, models, principles, or themes that support the approach you recommend. Also, be sure to incorporate Instructor feedback from your Weeks 2 and 3 Assignments.
1. Selecting and Identifying Talented Employees
• What insights have you gained about job analysis, assessment, and selection that could contribute to a comprehensive Talent Management Plan?
• What two principles, models, or themes related to job analysis, assessment, and candidate selection seem relevant to the task of developing a Talent Management Plan?
• How might these principles, models, or themes inform or guide an approach to selecting and identifying talented employees for the retail organization Webuttik, presented in this week's media?
2. Developing Talented Employees
• What are some approaches/models for conducting a needs analysis, and which ones might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik?
• What are some approaches/models for conducting the training and development of employees, and which ones might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik?
3. Managing the Performance of Talented Employees
• What are some approaches/models for performance management, and which ones might be useful to consider when developing a Talent Management Plan for Webuttik?
4. Recruiting and Retaining Talented Employees
• What strategies would you recommend that Webuttik implement to recruit quality candidates?
• How can Webuttik ensure that candidates are not only capable to fill positions once fully trained, but also are likely to stay in those positions for a given period of time?
• What factors do you think might influence retention at Webuttik, and what could be done to improve retention in the organization?
Webbutik is an online retailer specializing in women's and men's apparel and shoes. Webbutik's leadership have decided to invest resources to improve the online retail experience for customers in order to stay competitive in the online retail marketplace. Before leaders can invest necessary resources into fixing the company website, they have to address the immediate problem of poor customer service and the impending mass exodus of customer service reps before the holiday season.
The leaders decide to hire a consultant (YOU) to develop a Talent Management Plan for customer service representatives and customer service managers. The Talent Management Plan would detail strategies and approaches to address the following goals:
• Identification and selection of external job candidates for the customer service representative position
• Identification of internal customer service representatives who are high performers and could be developed for managerial positions
• Onboarding new hires
• Training and developing existing customer service representatives
• Improving recruitment and retention of customer service representatives.