What information would you give this student

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Reference no: EM133275187

Question: Robert had experienced substantial success in his career since graduating with an associate's degree in business from the local community college. Over the past 15 years, he had worked his way up to a middle-management position with a medium-sized manufacturing firm. His success has come at a price, however. He has consistently worked long hours and weekends. He was increasingly uneasy with the time he was spending on the job. His two children were both in middle school and he realized that he had already missed important moments in their lives due to his involvement at work. Moreover, he had come to feel that his work was "not contributing anything positive to the world." A series of layoffs within his company heightened his sense that it was time to make a change. His employment situation, combined with his desire to spend more time with his family and engage in work that he felt was meaningful, led him to decide to explore his career and educational options. However, he was anxious about returning to school. Among other things, he wondered if he would be "smart enough" to finish his degree, if he would be able to cover the tuition costs, if his family would support his decision, and if, at age 46, he would be the "old man" in his classes. What information would you give this student?

Reference no: EM133275187

Questions Cloud

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