What information will be needed from the database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131062353

Data Infrastructure Quiz

1. Why is it essential to know what information will be needed from the database from the outset of development?

The number of fields in the database determines the cost of that database, so if careful planning doesn't occur, money can be wasted.
By knowing the purpose, the developer can determine how many fields are needed in the database.
The purpose determines the structure of the database.
The developer can determine which data types would help fulfill the purpose.

2. Indicate which of the following statements about databases and data types are accurate.

A customer's first name and last name must be entered as two separate fields.
Once the database is designed, the user doesn't need to worry about determining data types.
Uniform data types can be searched and sorted.
Numbers can be entered as text or as numeric values

3. Which of the following would be a field in a database?


4. Which of the following statements about data organization are correct?

You cannot perform mathematical functions on string data.
The information in each record must refer to a person.
Not all records need to contain data about every attribute.
A relationship may exist between each individual record.

5. Which of the following are forms of queries?


6. Which of the following are operations used to alter the data within a relation of a database?


7. In order for a database to work, at least one of the fields has to contain unique values. What is the name of this field?

Unique projection
Unique identifier
Unique database
Unique relation

8. Which of the following are the three main categories of databases?

Flat File

9. Which of the following database categories is the most similar to a spreadsheet or MS Excel document?

Flat File

10. Which of the following examples best describes hierarchical databases?

A spreadsheet
Amazon's customer database
Parent-child relationships
A tree-like structure

11. Which of the following skills are needed to assist with application design and development?

data integration
schema development
performance tuning

12. Database administrators might be involved with the integration of data from where?

Local area networks to other networks
Older systems to new
Newer to older systems
DBMS to new systems

13. Indicate which of the following statements about databases and data types are accurate. Select all that apply

performance tuning and design development
DBMS support and proper security measures
design development and DBMS support
proper security measures and design development

Reference no: EM131062353

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