What information can be gathered from a line spectrum plot

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131180166

Laplace Transform and Analysis in the s-Domain

Directions: Please answer BOTH of the questions and respond to a minimum of two of your classmates.

This week's Discussion asks you to consider the benefits of the Laplace transforms and transfer functions toward simplifying the analysis of time-based circuits to discuss the following:

Question A

• An advisory board member for the engineering technology programs recently approached us and described a problem his firm is having. The firm has embraced diversity and wants to hire more female engineers; however, they just don't have any who apply. They are seeking ways, both internally and through outreach efforts, to increase the number of female job applicants for engineering positions. What ideas might you provide to the company? Is this a problem with which a professional engineering firm should be concerned?

Question B

• Discuss what is meant by line spectra and what information can be gathered from a line spectrum plot.

Reference no: EM131180166

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