What information and business operations need to protected

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM131214581

Corporate Profile Part 1: Buyer Profile

For this paper, you will research and construct a corporate profile for a publicly-traded company which operates in cyberspace and therefore has a need for cybersecurity products and services.A list of approved companiesappears at the end of this assignment description. If you wish to use acompany not on the approved list you must first obtain the approval of your instructor.


1. Review the company's website to learn about the products and services which it sells.

2. Retrieve and review the Hoovers profile for the company. The company profile web pages are interactive and have expanding menus / options (see figure below). You may find it helpful to use the "Print Quick Report" menu item under My Tools.https://ezproxy.umuc.edu/login?url=https://www.mergentonline.com/Hoovers

3. Download and review a copy of the company's most recent Annual Report to Investors from its Form 10-K filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.(Note: the company is the author of its Form 10-K. Do not list the SEC as the author.)

4. Identify 3 or more additional sources of information about the company and how it operates in cyberspace. These can be news articles, data breach reports, etc.

5. Using the information obtained from your sources, identify the types of information and business operations which drive this company's need for cybersecurity products and services. (What needs to be protected?)

6. Using the course readings and other materials, develop a "Buying Forecast" for likely purchases by this company for cybersecurity related products and services.


1. An introduction section which identifies the company being discussed and includes a brief overview of the company including when it was founded and significant events in its history.

2. An overviewof the company's operations which summarizes information obtained from its annual report, the Hoovers profile for the company, and other sources which you found in your research. This information should include: headquarters location, key personnel, primary types of business activities and locations, major products or services sold by the company, major competitors, stock information (including ticker symbol or NASDAQ code), recent financial performance, and additional relevant information from the business profiles.

3. A separate section in which you describe this company's needs or requirements for cybersecurity. What information and/or business operations need to be protected?

4. A separate "Buying Forecast" section in which you discuss the company's likely future purchases for cybersecurity products and services. In this section, you should identify and discuss three or more categories of cybersecurity products or services which this company is likely to purchase.

Yourthree to five page Buyer Profile is to be prepared using basic APA formatting (including title page and reference list)and submitted as an MS Word attachment to the Corporate Profile Part 1 entry in your assignments folder. See the sample paper and paper template provided in Course Resources > APA Resources for formatting examples.Consult the grading rubric for specific content and formatting requirements for this assignment.

Corporate Profile Part 2: Cybersecurity Risk Profile

For this paper, you will construct a cybersecurityrisk profile for the company that you wrote about in Part 1 of the Corporate Profile project. Your risk profile, which includes an Executive Summary, Risk Register, and Risk Mitigation Recommendations (Approach & Security Controls by family), will be developed from information provided by the company in its Form 10-K filing (Annual Report to Investors) retrieved from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Edgar database. You will also need to do additional research to identify security controls, products, and services which could be included in the company's risk response (actions it will take to manage cybersecurity related risk).


1. Review the Risk section of the company's SEC Form 10-K. Develop a list of 5 or more specific cyberspace or cybersecurity related risks which the company included in its report to investors. Your list should include the source(s) of the risks and the potential impacts as identified by the company.

2. For each risk, identify the risk management or mitigation strategies which the company has implemented or plans to implement.

3. Next, use the control families listed in the NIST Special Publication 800-53 https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-53r4.pdfto identify general categories of controls which could be used or added to the company's risk management strategy for each risk in your list.

4. For each control family, develop a description of how the company should implement these controls ("implementation approach") as part of its risk management strategy.


1. Develop a 2 to 3 pageExecutive Summaryfrom your Corporate Profile Part 1 (reuse and/or improve upon the business profile). Your Executive Summary should provide an overview of the company, summarize its business operations, and discuss the sources, potential impacts, and mitigation approach/strategy for cybersecurity related risks identified in the company's annual report.The Executive Summary should appear at the beginning of your submission file.

2. Copy the Risk Register &Security Control Recommendations table (see template at the end of this assignment) to the end of the file that contains your Executive Summary.

3. Using the information you collected during your research, complete the table. Make sure that you include a name and description for each risk. For the security controls, make sure that you include the family name and a description of how each recommended control should be implemented (implementation approach). Include the control family only. Do not include individual security controls from NIST SP 800-53.

YourRisk Profile is to be prepared using basic APA formatting (including title page and reference list) and submitted as an MS Word attachment to the Corporate Profile Part 2 entry in your assignments folder. See the sample paper and paper template provided in Course Resources > APA Resources for formatting examples.Consult the grading rubric for specific content and formatting requirements for this assignment.

Note: for this assignment you will be preparing a very high level risk register. Preparing a fully developed risk register and risk profile is beyond the scope of this course.

Table 1. Risk Register &Risk Mitigation Approach with Recommended Security Controls

Risk Identifier

Description of the Risk &
Current Risk Management Strategy

Risk Mitigation Approach with
Recommended Security Controls (by NIST SP 800-53 family)


Sequence # or Brief title (<50 characters)

Must be from Form 10-K. Split complex risk statements into multiple individual risks.

Must list NIST Control Family (two character ID) as part of recommended mitigation





































Attachment:- amazon_10-k_form.rar

Reference no: EM131214581

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