What influencing current spectators decision to attend game

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM133271731


ENMU Women's volleyball team is trying to increase the number of spectators. You are trying to come up with strategies,

  • Purchase task
  • Social surroundings
  • Physical surroundings
  • Temporal effects
  • Antecedent states

What situational elements, influencing current spectators' decision to attend the games? What information you focus on and provide in the advertisement about situational factors encouraging current consumers as well as new spectators?

  • Motivation and Personality

What psychological elements, influencing current spectators' decision to attend the games?

Reference no: EM133271731

Questions Cloud

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Discuss participating in a new sport : Consider participating in a new sport. Follow your decision-making process from beginning to end. What information did you collect? From whom?
What influencing current spectators decision to attend game : What information you focus on and provide in the advertisement about situational factors encouraging current consumers as well as new spectators?
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How might you approach the negotiation : If you had to carry out a cross-cultural negotiation between Canada and India, how might you approach the negotiation?
Explain using relevant strategic management concepts : To what extent should AirAsia and AirAsiaX be integrated operationally? Explain using relevant strategic management concepts.


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