What individuals or groups have come into conflict

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133609734


In your photo essay, you need to have at least one image and caption for each of the following parts of your story. The caption should explain how the image connects to your criteria, the image chosen, and the current issue or topic.

1. Choose a current topic or issue that speaks to the unit question: Are we any better? Have we progressed or declined over the 20th and 21st centuries? Are we better or worse than in 1900? Who is the "we" in your answer? You can examine one group or a region.

2. What are the significant factors in the social, economic and political developments that influenced the current issue or topic?

3. What individuals or groups have come into conflict or cooperated to create the current topic or issue that you have chosen?

4. What actions should be taken to defend the rights, identity and heritage of the groups involved?

Reference no: EM133609734

Questions Cloud

Analyze reasons why and ways in which indigenous people have : Analyze the reasons why and the ways in which Indigenous peoples have pursued their rights and resisted assimilation into Canadian society since the 1960s.
Explain the aztec fascination with human sacrifice : Explain the Aztec fascination with human sacrifice. What role did it play in their culture, and how did they show it was important to them?
How were societies in the americas structured : What social and economic forces drove the mass movement of peoples between Europe, Africa and the Americas. How were societies in the Americas structured?
Explain where you see them in one of the examples from book : Explain where you see them in one of the examples from your book or from my lecture, beside Hamilton's collage.
What individuals or groups have come into conflict : What individuals or groups have come into conflict or cooperated to create the current topic or issue that you have chosen?
Design implementation for the simulated organisation : RIICWD507D Prepare detailed geotechnical design, Australian Technical College - Design implementation for the simulated organisation provided in the simulation
Discuss ways in which religion developed in human societies : Discuss the ways in which religion/spiritualism developed in early human societies. Discuss also the ways religious belief manifested in early human societies.
How can we apply conformity concepts and change social media : How can we apply conformity concepts and change social media and the emphasis on what is considered expected behaviors from others on the platform.
Explain therapeutic engagement and principles involved : Research and analyse in detail the Advance Statements and consumer’s involvement in the care planning process. Explain therapeutic Engagement


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