Reference no: EM132216714
Questions: Please answer the following entirely in your own words and in complete sentences: Introduction
1. Background- What is important to know about the topic of this lab? Use at least one outside source (other than course materials) to answer this question. Cite the source using APA format. Answers should be 5-7 sentences in length.
The importance of ground water and surface water is that it has become increasingly evident that issues related to the water supply, water quality, and dilapidation of aquatic environments are conveyed frequently. The interaction of ground water and surface water has been shown to be a substantial concern following many of these issues. For example, contaminated aquifers that release into streams consequently cause long-term contamination of surface water; likewise, streams are major sources of pollution to aquifers. Surface water generally is hydraulically associated to ground water, but the interactions are hard to observe, measure, and frequently have been ignored during water-management deliberations and policies. Numerous natural developments and human actions affect the interactions of ground water and surface water. The purpose of this lab report is to present current findings of these methods through careful observations and experimentations.
2. Outcomes-What was the main purpose of this lab?
The results for the first activity are that in draining all the water from the wells, I noticed that the level of the water from the aquifer was dropping. I rechecked the water level using the straw and saw that there was a significant decrease in the amount of water in the wells than there was before. Waited 2 minutes, observe what happened to the drained well, then measured the water level again using the straw and permanent marker. The water had almost reached the same measurement as previous. I then checked the reservoir and saw that were previously the water was sitting almost to the top of the clay bar, it had gone down as though the water had been withdrawn from it. This led me to believe that the water in the well was replenished with the water from the reservoir, so this experimentation supported my hypothesis. Activity 2, pumping the waste into the discharge pipe in the well I watch the pollutant (Kool-Aid) mix into the groundwater before slowly making its way towards the reservoir. After waiting 1 minute I added more of the pollutant into the well and saw that just as the first time it mixed into the ground water turning it the color red. The water in the reservoir was still clear but appears that there was a pinkish film floating on top of the water. This supported my claims that the pollutant soaked into the groundwater would then flow into the reservoir. The third activity the rain stimulation caused the fertilizer to dissolve into the ground and mixed with the water to flow down the hill into the pond. Turning the water to turn a reddish color. After waiting 30 seconds I used the syringe to pump water out from the well and the water drained was a mixture of sand and red water. This supported my hypothesis that the pond becoming contaminated by fertilizer soaks into the ground and mix in with groundwater or as runoff during rainfall.
3. Hypotheses-What were your hypotheses for the activities of this lab? Identify each hypothesis clearly, and explain your reasoning.
The first activity I hypothesize that the water level in the reservoir will drop as the water is drained from the wells. The reasoning behind this is that the wells supply the water needed to recharge the aquifer. If the aquifer is drained of water, then it would have to replenish itself through the reservoir. The second activity hypothesis is as the polluted water from the reservoir enters the groundwater supply it will contaminate the fresh water. Once the aquifer becomes polluted it becomes unstable allowing pollution to infiltrate the groundwater supply and into the reservoir. For the third activity my hypothesis is that adding fertilizer (red Kool-Aid) to the model will affect the other components by mixing with the rain (stimulated Kool-Aid water) and flowing down into the groundwater before making its way into the pond as runoff. The reasoning behind this is that chemicals used, such as fertilizer, are nonpoint-source pollution that are spread out across extensive areas due to runoff of rainfall. They have a greater influence on the overall quality of water in the aquifer than other causes because when rainfall soaks into the ground comes in contact with sources of contamination it picks up chemicals and carries them into the groundwater. Which then will pollute the reservoir.
Materials and Methods
4. Using your own words, briefly describe what materials and methods you used in each of the activities. Your answer should be sufficiently detailed so that someone reading it would be able to replicate what you did. Explain any measurements you made.
The materials that I used for the activities consisted of 1 ¼-pound blue bar clay, 4 cups sand, 2 cups gravel, Plastic cup, water, tape, plastic container, scissors , cell phone( used for a timer and to take pictures), Kool-Aid drink mix packet, syringe, 10 mL3 straws, 2 plastic tubes, permanent marker, disposable pipet, and a paper cup. For each activity I paid close attention to the instructions given in the Manuel. First, I prepared my work space by clearing off my dining table. I got out all the materials that I needed for the activities. Activity 1, I placed the block of clay in the plastic container so that it is one-third of the distance away from one side of the container to represent the reservoir and aquifer. I took one of the clear plastic tubes and cut it in half with a pair of scissors. The two cylinders acted as model wells drilled into the ground that reached the aquifer. Added sand to cover the bottom of the aquifer section, form the next layer of the aquifer by adding the gravel to cover the sand creating a slight incline, then to recreate precipitation, poked 10 holes in the bottom of the foam cup, filled it with water, over the model watched the water sprinkle onto the top of the formed slope, near the edge of the container behind the wells. Inserted a straw into one of the wells and held my forefinger firmly over the open end of the straw creating a seal, and then removed the straw from the well. I used the permanent marker to draw a line to mark the top of the water level in the straw. Using a disposable pipet, drained the well and removed as much of the water as I could then place the straw back into the bottom of the well to check the water level again. The second activity, I used the same materials as the first, apart from adding in the Kool-Aid, pieces of aquarium tubing, and the syringe. I took one of the thinner, aquarium tubes and cut it in half. Taped the tube halves to the inside of the container in the reservoir, making sure the openings are not touching the bottom of the container. Took a cupful of water mixed with the Kool-Aid mix then with the syringe inject the pollution (Kool-Aid) into the aquarium tubing. For the third activity, I reset up the plastic container following the instructions for the activity. I removed the previous wet sand and gravel, then pour in fresh sand. Flatten the clay bar as much as I can, then placed it on top of the sloped hill I made in the container out of the sand and gravel. I cut the remaining aquarium tube in half, taping each piece to the inside of the container at opposite ends. In the sand/gravel combination at the bottom of the hill, I dug a small round hole using the plastic cup from then poured water into the hole to represent a pond. Took the opened Kool-Aid packet and sprinkled the content along the top of the inclined sand. Put plain water in the foam cup and shook the cup along the land to pretend rain.
Discussion: 5. Based upon the results of each activity, explain whether you accepted or rejected your hypotheses and why.
I accept all the hypothesis that I had made for the activities because everything that I've observed during the experimentation was supported by the results made.
6. What important information have you learned from this lab? Use at least one outside source (scholarly for full credit) to answer this question. Cite the source using APA format.
Answers should be 5-7 sentences in length.
[Write your answers here]
What I learned is that surface water such as lakes, streams, and marshes can repetitively interchange with ground water. Therefore, the extent of time water encounter inorganic surfaces in its drainage can remain after the water first enters a lake, stream, or wetland. A significant consequence of these constant interchanges between surface water and ground water is the potential to increase the interaction between water and contaminants. The movement of water between the ground and surface water provides a key path for contaminant transferring between the ground and water systems
7. What challenges did you encounter when doing this lab? Name at least one.
The challenges that I had during this lab being that I had to wait for the lab kit to arrive before I can do the activities. Doing the lab itself was not the issue, it just that I did not have the materials on hand to do them.
Information related to above question is enclosed below:
Attachment:- Lab assignment.rar