What important concept and practice surrounding child growth

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Reference no: EM133510846

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What I Know and Need to Know About Child Growth and Development?

Assignent: Risky Adolescent Behaviors and Adult Intervention - Presentation and Annotated Resource Guide

Perform the following tasks:

Part I: Blend knowledge gained from the Lesson 1 materials with your past knowledge of child growth and development.

Use the first part of this paper to reflect on the knowledge (from the course content and from your past knowledge and experiences) you already possess about child growth and development. What important concepts and practices surrounding child growth and development have you already learned? Why are they important? How might they contribute to your future role in the child care field (or other fields)? Cite appropriately from the text (with specific page numbers) and from your knowledge and experiences (with specific examples) to construct a response that is supported and specific.

Part II: Reflect on what you need to know and to learn in this course.

Think about your future goals, profession, or role as a parent, citizen, or community member as such may require knowledge of child growth and development. Use the second part of this paper to discuss knowledge, concepts, and practices that you think you need to know to thrive in one or more of these capacities. What child growth and development-based knowledge would best aid you in achieving your goals? Why this knowledge? How do you hope to gain such knowledge?

You should focus your response based upon your individual goals and purpose for taking this course. If you are interested in pursuing child care or education as a professional field in the future, direct your response accordingly. If you are interested in child growth and development for other reasons, make those clear in this as well. Your response should, above all else, be concise, focused, and well-supported.

Reference no: EM133510846

Questions Cloud

Provide regulation and policy per mode of transportation : Transportation has played a tremendous role in shaping the economy and social structure. Provide at least 1 regulation and 1 policy per mode of transportation.
Apply the swot to an organization : Apply the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to an organization that you are or could work with on your global health project
How can focussing on the individual persons : When engaging the clients in activities, how can focussing on the individua persons needs, strengths and preferences ensure positive behaviour
How would you differentiate visceral from somatic pain : What is visceral pain and how would you differentiate visceral from somatic pain could you add references for studies
What important concept and practice surrounding child growth : What important concepts and practices surrounding child growth and development have you already learned? Why are they important?
Identify four strategies a culturally competent : Identify four strategies a culturally competent nurse can use to ensure that the patient receives high-quality care
What some lessons from history that nurses have : What some lessons from history that nurses have learned as a profession that will take them into the next century? What can nurses do to help this happen
Analyze your work environment for knowledge gaps : Analyze your work environment for knowledge gaps where the use of simulation would be a viable option to improve competencies
Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment : Obtain and build, in collaboration with the patient, a comprehensive health history. Develop a comprehensive health risk assessment based on the data collected


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