What impact do you think this situation is having on frank

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM133436409


You are working in a community services organisation and are working with a young transgender woman named Carol. Kim is your supervisor and you feel unsure about an upcoming youth camp that you have organised for young women. you want to make sure that Carol feels included but you do not feel confident about how to ensure this as you have never knowingly met or worked with a transgender young person before. You all recently completed a training about the organisations new diversity and inclusion plan one of the focus is to ensure that LGBTQ/I workers and client users feel that this organisation is a safe and anti oppressive organisation.

You are waiting for your supervision session with Kim when you see her drop by Frank's office while on break. She notices a newspaper article on his desk about gay and lesbian people in the military. She tells Frank she doesn't understand why sexual orientation is part of the new diversity initiative at their work. She thinks it's a private matter and should stay that way. Frank says he has a friend who's gay and wants to bring his partner to the company picnic. Kim says his friend should just come alone or say his partner is a cousin. After she leaves, you hear Frank mumble to himself, "I think I better go alone."

You are left feeling uncertain if Kim will be able to guide you in your supervision and start researching things you might need to consider in your camp planning for Carol.

1. What do you see as some of the main issues in this case study?

2. Would you say something to Kim about her views why or why not?

3. Why do you think Kim feels so comfortable to express this view in the workplace?

4. What impact do you think this situation is having on Frank?

5. What information did you find to help you with your camp planning to ensure Carol feels safe and included?

Reference no: EM133436409

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