What impact could biden have on the supreme court

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Reference no: EM133284268

Question - What impact could Biden have on the Supreme Court and the federal court system? How will the make up of the Senate impact these outcomes?

Reference no: EM133284268

Questions Cloud

What role did media play in influencing your perspective : Consider a political belief (or beliefs) that you have strong feelings about. How did you form this point of view? What role did media play in influencing
Discuss a government regulation related to the product : Discuss a government regulation related to the product, which can either be in place currently, placed historically, or one you propose applied in the future
Are municipalities a level of government in canada : Are municipalities a level of government in Canada? Discuss the stakes of this question and why it matters for understanding local democracy
What is the minimum age requirement for members : What is the minimum age requirement for members of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President? Why these ages
What impact could biden have on the supreme court : What impact could Biden have on the Supreme Court and the federal court system? How will the make up of the Senate impact these outcomes
Divide the cost of tangible or physical asset : An accounting technique used to divide the cost of a tangible or physical asset over its useful life is referred to as depreciation.
Should we fear the majority : Should we fear the majority? How did they support their views? To what extent are the points raised by these authors relevant today
What power did they give up : In this case, Chief Justice John Marshall and the Court "gave up some power in order to get more." Explain. What power did they give up
Microeconomic law known as law of supply states : The microeconomic law known as the law of supply states that, provided that all other factors remain the same.


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