What if the facts were different

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133314415

Question: A trade secret is typically information that contains select answer value. Research plans, pricing information, marketing methods, production techniques, and development ideas select answer possible examples of trade secrets. select answer copyright and trademark protection, protection of trade secrets select answer to both ideas and their expression. Assessment question Information select answer have to be registered or filed with a government agency in order to receive trade secret protection. A customer list select answer potentially be a trade secret. Assessment question Dalton's customer list select answer confidential and select answer openly available to employees. Dalton select answer names of the tour group customers openly available to other customers and the public. The Jarvinens select answer break into Dalton's computer or lockbox in order to obtain the customer list. As a result, Dalton's customer list likely select answer a secret discovered by improper means. Assessment question The use of Dalton's customer list by the Jarvinens likely select answer constitute a breach of duty owed to the other party. Therefore, the Jarvinens are probably select answer to Dalton for violation of trade secret law. Assessment question What If the Facts Were Different? Assume that Dalton had the Jarvinens sign a confidentiality agreement

Reference no: EM133314415

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