What if our healthcare system kept us healthy

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM131216396


What is health

Think about what you consider health to be. View Rebecca Onie''s TED Talk, What If Our Healthcare System Kept Us Healthy?

After watching this video, does your professional definition of health change? If traditional healthcare was to stray into the realm of socioeconomic, what effects on health economic models would you anticipate?

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The traditional definition of health is limited to curing the disease, prevention is better than cure. If a new social health care system extends its capabilities to reach that level, obviously it will work to make miracles. However Onie's presentation referred to such a health care modeling system which can be made more versatile with the collaboration of aid agencies for resources provision. The discussion is about the same.

Reference no: EM131216396

Questions Cloud

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What if our healthcare system kept us healthy : Think about what you consider health to be. View Rebecca Onie''s TED Talk, What If Our Healthcare System Kept Us Healthy?
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