What identifies the terrorism threat

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133378114

Review the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Preventing Terrorism" web page. This webpage contains links to several areas in which the DHS protects against the threats of terrorism. Select one threat listed on the page for which you believe your own community is vulnerable. (You may choose a threat not listed on this page with prior approval from your professor.) Utilize the DHS website resources

1. What identifies the terrorism threat, and discuss why your community may be vulnerable to it.

2. Why does your local emergency management efforts to mitigate and deal with hazards related to this type of threat. How prepared do you feel your community is to deal with this threat as compared to other communities in the United States?

3. Do you have all the resources you need?

4. How does emergency management interacts with state, federal, and/or other local agencies in your community to prepare for, mitigate, and respond to this type of threat.

Reference no: EM133378114

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