Reference no: EM132577039
Assignment: Choose a global PR campaign that was executed over the last seven years by a major organization.
Explain whether the organization chose to use a global or international approach and then evaluate whether this was the right decision. Critique whether the campaign was appropriately tailored for local audiences in each country or culture in which it was implemented.
Explain what you would have done differently and what ideas you would give this organization for the future.
This paper should be about five single-spaced pages.
Recommended additional readings (not required)
Brady, A. M. (2007). Marketing dictatorship: Propaganda and thought work in contemporary China. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Chiu, C., Ip, C., & and Silverman, A. "Understanding Social Media in China." McKinsey Quarterly, April 2012.
Huang, Y. H. (2000). The personal influence model and Gao Guanxi in Taiwan Chinese public relations. Public Relations Review, 26(2), 219-236.