What i picked up in our reading material flood attack seems

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131103150

Disscussion reply to the question asked from students minimum words count 50 each

1: Symmetric Algorithms is cryptographic algorithm that use same key to encrypt data and decrypt data. The symmetric algorithm is also called secret key algorithm. The substitution in symmetric algorithm is something that seems difficult but I'll pick it up with understanding soon.

2: It wasn't an important file, just the Insanity Workout and I thought he went overboard with security but now I know better. I have received many important files from friends with encryption password requirement but after this week I realize how important it can be for extra protection if something was to get in the hands of the wrong person. I do plan on taking the CompTia exam but only the ComptTia Network part, now I'm considering the Comptia Security certification in the future also after taking this class.

3: From what I picked up in our reading material flood attack seems to be similar to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack which is designed to bring a network or service down by flooding it with large amounts of traffic. Flood attacks occur when a network or service becomes so weighed down with packets initiating incomplete connection requests that it can no longer process genuine connection requests.

Reference no: EM131103150

Questions Cloud

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What i picked up in our reading material flood attack seems : From what I picked up in our reading material flood attack seems to be similar to a Denial of Service (DoS) attack which is designed to bring a network or service down by flooding it with large amounts of traffic.
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