What he perceives is an inflated billing charge

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760584

The Project will consist of writing a complete Role Play from one of the below scenarios. In addition to the role of the customer service provider, you will also need to include the role of the customer into your project.

The Role Play will be graded based on the attached "Effective Customer Service Role Play" Rubric. The five main areas for the role play are:

Verbal Communication - two-way communication and effective feedback

Non-verbal Communication - non-verbal communication included in role play

Listening Skills - active listening and effective characteristics

Handling of Service Breakdowns and Recovery - customer successfully retained

Customer Service Via Technology - techniques for communication via technology.

Scenario 1:

You are a customer service representative in a customer contact center that provides service to customers who have purchased small appliances from your company.

A customer is calling to complain that she purchased a waffle iron from one of your outlet stores two weeks ago and it no longer works. She is upset because her in-laws and family are arriving in two days for an extended visit and they love her "special" waffles.

Scenario 2:

You are a customer care specialist for a company that provides answers to travel-related questions for a national membership warehouse retail store. A customer calls to find out about the types of travel-related discounts for which he qualifies through his membership.

Scenario 3:

You are a telemarketing sales representative for a company that sells water filtration systems. You are calling current customers who purchased a filtration system seven to ten years ago to inform them of your new Oasis line of filters, which is better than any other system on the market. You can offer them:

A 30-day money back guarantee.

Billing by all major credit cards or invoice.

A one-year limited warranty on the system that replaces all defective parts but does not cover labor.

If they find a less expensive offer for the same product, a refund for the difference and an additional 50 percent of the difference.

Scenario 4:

This scenario has two parts. In Part 1, you are a mechanic in an automotive repair shop. You answer a phone call from an irate customer calling to complain about what he perceives is an inflated billing charge for a recent air-conditioner repair.

His is asking for your manager, who is at lunch and will not be back for 45 minutes. You take the incoming call, using the message-taking format (Chapter 9). In Part 2, you are the manager. You have just returned from lunch and find a message from the irate customer described in Part 1 and must call the customer.

Reference no: EM131760584

Questions Cloud

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Here is a practice problem to solve for hypothesis testing : Here is a practice problem to solve for hypothesis testing. Refer to the handout posted in Files for additional information about the steps in hypothesis
Predetermined overhead rate based on units produced : Mickey & Co. expects overhead costs of $26,250 per month and direct production costs of $27 per unit. The estimated production activity for the 2013 accounting.
Mean annual consumption of coffee : Then determine whether the hypothesis test is left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed. You may also choose to comment on a classmate's post.
What he perceives is an inflated billing charge : A phone call from an irate customer calling to complain about what he perceives is an inflated billing charge for a recent air-conditioner repair.
Prepare the journal entries for fisher : Prepare the journal entries for Fisher for the years of 2017 and 2018. 10 journal entries Can you show me each step so I can know how to do it in the future
Record the given transactions in the appropriate journals : On 1 November 2015 the directors issued 1000 each of 10% Preference shares at $100 each. Record the above transactions in the appropriate journals
Attempting to estimate the annual income : Suppose that you are attempting to estimate the annual income of 1200 families. In order to use the infinite standard deviation formula, what sample size, n, sh
Develop your companys acquisition and planning strategy : Develop your company's acquisition and planning strategy for obtaining a contract. Your competitor intends to submit a proposal for a one year contract.


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