Reference no: EM132479045
Problem 1
Think about a big change that needs to be made in your workplace, or in a previous workplace. You should select a workplace example that ideally constitutes a ‘competitive advantage' change: for example, a paper on "how do we convince employees to recycle in the cafeteria" may not be as useful as "how do we convince our technical salespeople to sell business solutions not hardware"
p1. Define the change in behavioral terms
p2. Use the Switch model to analyze the sources of resistance.
p3. What taken-for-granted cultural assumptions hindered the change effort?
Problem 2
Thinking about your change challenge, find a bright spot in the organization. Analyze the bright spot - what insights does it give you for spreading and embedding the change?
Design an intervention for reducing identity threat that your change provokes
Problem 3
Write a destination postcard for your change
Design a see-feel-change intervention for your change
Problem 4
What have you learned about yourself as a charismatic leader as a result of today's workshop? How will you apply these insights as you lead your change challenge?
Problem 5
Considering your organizational change problem and your role, what kind of network do you need to build and why? Be sure to consider the structure of the network you need to build, the types of relationships you need and key stakeholders whose support you need.
Problem 6
Have you ever participated in something like the Great Game of Life? If so, to what extent did it deliver on its aims?
Considering your change problem, what interpersonal elements of the culture need to change? How will you achieve this?
Problem 7
Consider the definition of a learning organization: A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights.
Thinking about your change challenge, list the cultural norms and organizational practices support and hinder (1) the creation; (2) acquisition and (3) transferal of learning?
What actions would you take to create and embed a culture of learning?
Problem 8
Scaling up change to the organizational level
Have you seen the change management principles in the readings implemented in actual change efforts? What has been the result?
Based on your own experience with the organizational change, what element of the Kotter model or the Experience Change model is most often mismanaged? Why do you think that is the case?
How are the Kotter model and the Experience Change model similar to the Switch model of change? What is different and what is similar between these models? Is one of these models more "right" from your perspective.