What have you learned about this vital process

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Reference no: EM131151450

Application: Conflict Resolution

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein

Conflict resolution skills can draw us closer to other people, as they offer strategies to jointly search for fair solutions and balanced needs. This process may involve participants in a powerful shift from adversaries to cooperative partners, with the goal of every person benefiting from this shift.

This week, you have been exploring conflict resolution through various resources, including your course text and organizations such as the Association for Conflict Resolution, the Conflict Resolution Network, and the Third Side. You have been learning that there are many different strategies and techniques that can be used to approach and resolve conflicts on personal and professional levels. Conflict resolution begins with a willingness to negotiate, i.e., to not only consider but also recognize and respect others' perspectives.

Part 1: Conflict Resolution Scenarios

For this Application Assignment, you will have an opportunity to practice your conflict resolution skills. First, read over and then choose one of the two scenarios in the document linked below. Each scenario presents a situation in which a problem or conflict needs to be resolved. As you read the scenario, think about the different approaches to conflict resolution about which you have been learning. Ask yourself these questions:

What is the problem?

Who are the people, or groups, involved in the conflict?

What is the perspective of each person, or group, involved in the conflict?

What is the context of the problem?

What would be the most effective approaches and/or strategies to use to resolve this conflict in a way so that everyone is satisfied with the result?

Use your course text, as well as the following resources:

Association for Conflict Resolution


Conflict Resolution Network


The Third Side


Link to the scenarios in the Word doc below, and choose one of the two scenarios for your assignment.

Conflict Resolution Scenarios

After reading your scenario, write a paper that answers the following questions:

What is the problem, who are the people or groups involved, and what is the context?

What are all the perspectives involved?

How would you approach this situation/conflict?

What specific skills would you use to approach and solve this issue?

What are the most important aspects of conflict resolution?

What have you learned about this vital process and how can you build on this knowledge to enhance your skills as an early childhood professional?

To help you address this conflict, draw information and strategies from your Learning Resources and cite your references. If you can, try and pull information from each resource. Also, find one additional resource that helps you solve this issue and cite it in your paper.

Assignment length: 2-3 pages.Communicating and Collaborating in the Early Childhood Field: Week 5 Application Assignment

Conflict Resolution Scenarios

Scenario One: Eric-A Case Study

You are the director of an early childhood center. You have been aware of a young boy in one of the three- and four-year-old classrooms who has ongoing emotional challenges. Upon enrollment, Eric's family was very open about Eric and expressed their hopes that because of the center's reputation of being inclusive, respectful, and supportive of varying abilities and emotional development, their son (as well as the family) would find a place to thrive. Eric would be able to interact with children his own age as well as supportive adults.
Eric has been enrolled for the past six months, and you are aware that during this time, Eric's teacher, Rosalie, has found Eric's behavior increasingly challenging. She came to you about a month after Eric started school and explained that she was concerned about Eric's emotional outbursts. She wasn't sure how to respond and some of the children were clearly disturbed. Though you have been in communication with Eric's family as well as his play therapist, their suggestions have not been as effective as you and Rosalie had hoped. Recently, Rosalie communicated to you that the other children don't want to interact with Eric; some are even afraid of him. Eric is unpredictable and can sometimes use offensive language and throw objects, though he has never hit anyone.

A parent of one of the other children in the class recently came to see you and complained that her child was afraid to come to school. Both you and Rosalie have invited Eric's mother and his therapist in to observe. The therapist has explained that working with Eric is a process with strides and setbacks. You agree. Eric's mother is concerned that Rosalie may not be trying hard enough to make this work. Rosalie expresses that she is exhausted from trying not only to help Eric but also the other children in the room, and she is starting to feel unsupported in her efforts. Given that this is Eric's third placement, you know how much it means that he stays in school, so you have allowed yourself to remain hopeful. However, Rosalie and some of the other teachers let it be known that they believe it is time for Eric to find a place that can give him and his family the support and guidance they need. Even though it is clear that everyone wants the best for Eric, the frustration is palatable. This conflict must be resolved. What would you do?

Scenario Two: The Library Book

You have been working as the children's librarian at Green Hills Library for the past ten years. During this time, you have shared a wide variety of books with children at story time, with families to read to their children, and for children to read and enjoy. Some of your favorites (and theirs) have included age-appropriate books about families and children of many cultures and from many different places, historical events, and family relationships. You recently received your master's degree in children's literature, and as part of your Capstone, you put together a reading list based on recommendations from current, well-respected websites, former professors, and what you have learned about quality literature for young children. You have shared the list with the head librarian, posted it for patrons of the children's section, and also used it as a resource for your Saturday afternoon read-alouds in the children's section of the library.

Last week, you were visited by Mr. Little, a local parent who is a frequent visitor and donor to the library. He was very upset about one of the books you planned to read aloud, in which the main character, a three-year-old boy, has two fathers. Mr. Little communicated to you that he does not believe that gay couples should be allowed to be parents. You informed Mr. Little that this book is on many quality literature booklists, including the one developed by your former professors. However, Mr. Little is not satisfied and demands that you remove the "offensive" book not only from your read-aloud list, but also from the children's library. He also stated that he has gathered a group of other families who also want the book removed, and he plans to withhold any further donations to the library should you refuse. In response, you promised to take the matter under consideration, yet you informed Mr. Little that you feel passionately about the quality of this book and that children should be exposed to all kinds of diversity. You are well aware that with city budget cuts, library funds are at a minimum.

However, you also believe strongly that book titles should not be in control of a handful of people. You decide to take a poll of local families, most of whom are supportive of your keeping the book in the library, but this will not solve your problem. Not sure of what to do next, you met with the head librarian to discuss the issue and get her opinion. She is supportive and understanding, but insists that it is your job as the children's librarian to work through this conflict. What would you do?

Reference no: EM131151450

Questions Cloud

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Establish the grid plot the elevations and interpolate data : Establish the grid, plot the elevations (the decimal point is the plot point), and interpolate the data to establish contours at 1-m (ft) intervals. Scale at 1:500 for metric units or 1 in. = 10 ft for foot units. Use pencil.
What have you learned about this vital process : What are all the perspectives involved? How would you approach this situation/conflict? What specific skills would you use to approach and solve this issue? What are the most important aspects of conflict resolution?
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