What have you learned about children and families

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Reference no: EM133429739


1. What have you learned about the children and their families that will help planning learning experiences for the children

2. What two learning experiences did you implement this week for the chiledren ? Share what you have learned.

- First learning experience: Reading book "One Big Hug" by Shirley Hillard

- second learning experience: science part of a plant.

Reference no: EM133429739

Questions Cloud

Complexity of identity and diversity dimensions : Describe or explain the complexity of identity and diversity dimensions, as they pertain to yourself, patients, and colleagues.
With priority of protecting human life : With a priority of protecting human life and reducing illness and injury, how did the United States do in responding to Covid-19?
The play intervention include pool foam noodle activities : The play intervention include pool foam noodle activities such as: pretending fishing, throwing color ball to foam circles hangig on the wall
Discuss the concept of food insecurity : In a country that has plenty, discuss why there is poverty. Discuss the concept of food insecurity.
What have you learned about children and families : What have you learned about the children and their families that will help planning learning experiences for the children
Study of social or interpersonal psychology : Summarize the first theory- Hyper Personal Effect Theory. Explain how the theory complements the study of social or interpersonal psychology.
About your substance abuse and mental health : What is a recommended website, movie/documentary and book about your substance abuse and mental health?
Current society view substance abuse and mental health : How does our current society view substance abuse and mental Health? What beliefs exist about this issue? Include your opinion
Guiding students to monitor own progress : What are the benefits of guiding students to monitor their own progress?


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