Reference no: EM133777925
Problem: Sports Ethics
Your son just started attending Jayhawkville North High School. Principal Vito Garcia is a big proponent of athletics and is incredibly fond of the school's student-athletes. In hopes of fitting in and gaining approval from his new principal, your son signed up for the football team. He was placed on the junior varsity team and is two weeks into the season. Your son has never played a contact sport competitively and has recently been complaining of headaches as well as blurred vision. You've mentioned that maybe football isn't a great fit for him. In response, he lists the school's defining traits of "dedication, discipline, teamwork, and character." Obviously, he does not want to quit now. He could be ridiculed or bullied if he does so. Conversely, if he keeps playing, his head injury may become more serious. The team's first game is less than a week away.
Consider the scenario above. Now, put yourself in the shoes of a local physician. You are aware of recent research on former NFL players and CTE. You've also recently read some articles that discuss the potential impact on young athletes participating in tackle football early in life. With what you know, you must decide whether to pull your son from the football team and embarrass him, or let him continue playing despite complaints about persistent headaches. Use the articles/videos provided on the Learning Resources page as well as any other pertinent references to support your position.
What to Consider:
1) Research: What have scientists found that connects participation in football with head injuries and CTE?
2) Your son's short-term well-being: Is this going to ruin his high school experience? Will he lose friends? Respect? Self-confidence?
3) Your son's long-term well-being: Could this have an impact on his cognitive abilities down the road? Is he past the point of football impairing his psychological development? Are these memories that will last a lifetime?