What have other philosophers said about the work

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Reference no: EM132325351

Question: For the paper, please choose a philosophical work by any philosopher of your choice. Any of the philosophers mentioned in our book or any person listed primarily as a philosopher in Wikipedia will qualify. There will also be a list under "Helpful Files" on Canvas. Read at least 15 pages from this philosophical work. Do not just read about a philosopher, but read the philosopher's own writing. Do not read a summary of a philosopher's work or a review of another philosopher's work. Read the actual work.

Write a review of what you read. Describe what the work is about and give your true personal reflections on it. Here are some questions you might consider answering in your reflection on the work: What was the work about? Did you understand the work? Was it easy to read or completely baffling? Where do you agree and where do you disagree? Did you like the work? Hate it? Love it? Why? How does it reflect the Philosopher's world and how does it reflect our world today? How does it relate to others stuff we learned in class? What have other philosophers said about the work? Do you recommend it? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132325351

Questions Cloud

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What have other philosophers said about the work : Write a review of what you read. Describe what the work is about and give your true personal reflections on it. Here are some questions you might consider.
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Create a query to find one type of device : In today's world, most college students will own at least one electronic device, such as a cell phone. Many students have multiple electronic devices.
What sacrifices would a business have to make : You may have noticed the emphasis on preparedness. While society expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resources.
How situational awareness is a driver for response controls : Much of the security efforts of the past have been centered around prevention and protection. The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks have shown.


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