What happens to gdp and the aggregate price level

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Reference no: EM132412089

Question: Topic: Suppose Congress votes to decrease corporate income tax rates. Use the AD/AS model to analyze the likely impact of the tax cuts on the macroeconomy. Show graphically and explain your reasoning. What exactly causes AD and/or AS to shift? What happens to GDP and the aggregate price level? Why?

Rubric: Original post is characterized by clarity of argument, depth of insight into course content, application of course content, relevancy, and unusual insights. The post meets the required 7-sentence length. Arguments and facts are supported by resources/references.

please need all original work. Need ASAP.

Reference no: EM132412089

Questions Cloud

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What happens to gdp and the aggregate price level : Suppose Congress votes to decrease corporate income tax rates. Use the AD/AS model to analyze the likely impact of the tax cuts on the macroeconomy.
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Which cost do you feel the us car industry is most affected : When materials are stored in inventory for a period of time before being used in the production process, the accounting cost and economic cost differ.


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