What happens if the oedipal complex is not resolved

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133552973


Watch the "Fight for Kisses" video and discussing how it displays Freud's Oedipal complex. Include responses to all of the following prompts

  • Explain the elements of the complex. How does it develop? In what psychosexual stage does the Oedipal Complex appear? Why? Be sure and include information from the text and lectures for your journal entry.
  • What happens if the Oedipal complex is not resolved? Why is resolution important? How do the characters in the cartoon display different aspects of the Oedipal complex?
  • Think of a personal dilemma you have faced (e.g., you wanted to go to a concert on a night you were supposed to work). How did your id and superego respond to your dilemma?
  • Now identify the task of the ego. What did you do to resolve your dilemma? Were you able to satisfy both the id and the superego?

Reference no: EM133552973

Questions Cloud

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How do you plan to ensure emotional safety of group members : Which have you chosen for your group? If you have chosen a 'real' group, how do you plan to ensure the emotional safety of group members?
Discuss about the study of neuroplasticity in children : References about the study of Neuroplasticity in Children and Adolescents in Response to Cognitive or Sensory-Motor Interventions included 28 studies.
What happens if the oedipal complex is not resolved : Why is resolution important? How do the characters in the cartoon display different aspects of the Oedipal complex?
What areas of the brain may be at play : Do you think faith and reason are compatible? Discuss how both Aquinas and Kurtz might each respond to this question.
What obstacles can keep clients from fully engaging program : You noted retention as an potential issue in this program, what obstacles can keep clients from fully engaging in a program? What might get in the way?
What ways sub-cultural difference affect treatment options : In what ways do societal, cultural, and sub-cultural difference affect the treatment options and ethical considerations for individuals with mental ill health?
What is meant by the term challenging behaviour : What is meant by term "challenging behaviour"? /2 A range of behaviours which some people with severe learning disabilities may display to get their needs met.


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