Reference no: EM133206527 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages
Assignment Problem:
As an ocean-literate person, (1) you now understand the essential principles and fundamental concepts about the functioning of the ocean; (2) you can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way; and (3) you are able to make informed & responsible decisions regarding the ocean & its resources.
We live in an era of global warming that has lasted longer than any such period over the past thousand years. For the first time, humans with their extensive land clearance, industrial-scale agriculture, and use of coal, oil and other fossil fuels have raised greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere to record highs, and are changing global climate. Global sea surface temperatures have risen by 0.7°C from pre-industrial times (1870-1899) to the recent past (2005-2014). If this trend continues into the future, sea surface temperatures may go up by 3.2 °C by 2100. The current average temperature of the ocean surface waters is about 17°C (= 62.6°F). Currently, the oceans absorb between 35-42% of all CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, and they also absorb ~90% of the excess heat energy caused from rising surface temperatures in the earth. With continually warming earth, the oceans will warm, the sea level will rise, the ocean's ability to absorb CO2 will change, ocean salinity will be altered, and atmospheric circulation patterns will shift significantly.
(A) What will happen to the biological pump and the life in the oceans and on-land?
(B) What will happen to the thermohaline circulation patterns in the oceans & how will the global climate change?
(C) What will happen to those societies and nations with densely populated, economically strongest corridors along the coastlines?
(D) In what ways will the global economy and the global food production be affected?