What guidelines would you provide for mediating ima and neva

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Reference no: EM133441058


Garbage Day

Ima Wright is a single parent mother of a pre-teen girl. Ima works for Google as a team manager for developing I-Pads.

Neva Rong is a single parent father of a pre-teen girl. Neva is a physicist working at the Fermi Lab.

Ima and Neva are next door neighbors in a western suburb of Chicago. The community they live in has a garbage pickup on Monday mornings at 10am. The mayor of the community forbids homeowners from using trash cans for their garbage and instead requires residents to place their trash bags in front of their home's next to the curb on the parkway.

Ima wakes at 4am so she will be on time for the Metra express train that leaves the train station at 7am for Chicago Union Station. Ima showers, dresses, makes breakfast, and ensures her daughter is up and prepared to catch the school bus which stops in front of her home at 7am. Ima places her garbage bags the night before garbage day out by the front curb prior to retiring to bed which is normally around 7pm.

Neva wakes at 6 am, makes breakfast and ensures his daughter is prepared to catch the same school bus as Ima's daughter. After Neva's daughter is on the school bus, Neva places his garbage bags on the parkway in front of his home at curbside and upon returning to his home he cleans up the kitchen, showers, shaves, and leaves for work around 9am.

Ima and Neva are the same age. Their daughters are great friends, staying over at each other's homes, and are cheerleaders at the same school. Neva lost his wife to cancer several years ago and realizes it is time to move on to a new life for he and his daughter. Neva finds Ima attractive and attempts to have conversations with her, but she always makes excuses stating she is pressed for time.

Ima was married to a domestically abusive husband - he was always involved in extra marital relationships and hated his daughter, claiming she was not his biological daughter which was debunked. Ima has been divorced for one year - her current focus is to care for her daughter. Ima is aware of Neva's interest in her, but her trust in relationships has been compromised by her former husband.

Every Monday morning, Neva finds Ima's garbage bags open, apparently from animals foraging for food. Loose garbage is strewn around the front of both homes, on the street, and sometimes on the neighbor's front yards, especially on windy days. Neva is sympathetic regarding Ima's situation and wants to be helpful thus, he picks up the trash and places it into a new garbage bag without complaint however, one morning he was angered by what he found. One of Ima's garbage bags that contained several toiletry items and sanitary napkins had been ripped open and strewn across his front lawn. Neva fitted his hands with latex gloves, picked up the items, and placed them in a new garbage bag. After returning home from work, Neva went to Ima's home to inform her of the situation and register his complaint. Neva told Ima that she was irresponsible and was causing a health hazard by placing her garbage out the night before garbage day pick up. Neva expressed his anger toward Ima regarding the hazardous material he picked up warning her that he would call the city inspector if it happened again. Ima was embarrassed, insulted, and angry. She told Neva that he was an arrogant bully and slammed the door in his face. The next Sunday night Ima dumped her garbage bags on Neva's front porch with a note taped to his front door that read, "All men are bullies"!! Neva's boss suggested mediation. You were referred.


1. What is Ima's position and interest? Explain.

2. What is Neva's position and interest? Explain.

3. What is the underlying issue?

4. How would you convince Ima and Neva to resolve their conflict through mediation? Explain.

5. What guidelines would you provide for mediating Ima and Neva? Explain.

Reference no: EM133441058

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