What goals did the communist regimes pursue

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM132187292

Questions on the readings

Chapter 10

What makes the mass murders committed by the communist regimes different from cases of mass murder that we have considered so far?

What goals did the Communist regimes pursue?

What was the Bolshevik perspective on ethnicity?

How were the "class enemies" defined? What were the similarities and differences between the Communist definitions of class enemies the Nazi and other ethnic nationalists' definitions of ethnic enemies?

How did the Soviet policy of cleansing the country and, specifically, the countryside of the "enemy classes" of the early 1930s turned into the hunt for the "enemies of the people" in the late 1930s?

Who were the "enemies of the people"? Who were beneficiaries of Great Terror?

Which ethnic groups were more likely to become targets of Terror in the late 1930s and why?

What impact did WWII have upon the direction of the Soviet repressions? What ethnic groups were targeted during the WWII and why?

What arguments does Mann make to demonstrate that Soviet mass murders were not a case of genocide?

What policies did the Chinese communists pursue with respect of the peasants? How do these policies compare to the Soviet collectivization of agriculture of the early 1930s?

What were the similarities and the differences between the Soviet policy of industrialisation/collectivisation and Mao's Great Leap Forward?

How does Mann classify the mass murders carried out by Khmer Rouge in Cambodia?

What was peculiar about Khmer Rouge ideology? How do their policies compare to those of Stalin and Mao?

Who were the targets of Khmer Rouge mass murders? Who were the perpetrators of the Khmer Rouge murders in terms of the social origin?

Were the Khmer Rouge mass murders an example of statist killing? Was Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge rule a totalitarian state?

What were the similarities between radical ethnonationalism and Communism? What were the differences between ethnonationalism and Communism in terms of the mass murders that they committed?

Reference no: EM132187292

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