Reference no: EM133303476
a. What is the difference in the meaning of these two phrases as related to environmental perception:
"The eye is like a camera."
"Environmental perception is a constructive process."
b. When queried which is farther west, San Diego, California or Reno, Nevada most people get it wrong and say San Diego. What is the explanation for this typical mistake? Your explanation should define the construct this mistake illustrates and be specific about what characteristics of these cities and their location explain the error. How does your explanation for the error support the claim that environmental perception and cognition illustrate the principle of a constructive process?
c. What Gestalt law is depicted by the above image? Explain this principle. Why is this an example of environmental perception as a constructive process?
d. Using data from one of the culture and experience studies, explain what data were used and how/why the results are consistent with the principle of constructive process.
e. Does your explanation in part d. reflect environmental determinism, cognitive appraisal, or both? Explain your answer.