What general observations can you make regarding demand

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13848021

Read through the Case Study entitled "Highline Financial Services, Inc." of your textbook. It covers the role of forecasting in operations management. Examine the demand that this company has experienced for the three categories of service it offers over the preceding two years. Assuming nothing changes in terms of advertising or promotion, and competition also does not change, predict the demand for the services the company offers for the next four quarters. (Note that there is not enough data to develop seasonal relatives.)

You should be able to make reasonably good, approximate, intuitive estimates of demand. What general observations can you make regarding demand? Should Freddie have any concerns? Explain your answers in a 4-6 page paper, not including the cover and references pages. Use at least one outside reference to support your recommendations. Submit your completed paper to the Assignment Dropbox.

Attachment:- Highline Financial Services Inc.docx

Reference no: EM13848021

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