Reference no: EM132088717
Question: Discussion post: Visual dysfunction in children (1-3 paragraphs)
Amanda, a 16-year-old female suffers from a pituitary gland tumor. This tumor presses on the optic chiasm and results in a condition where Amanda's right eye can no longer see the right side of the visual field. It also affects her left eye such that it can no longer see the left side of the visual field.
Jacob, a 5-year-old, has scarring on the fusiform gyrus secondary to seizures. This damage has resulted in ventral stream disruption and in particular, problems with facial recognition.
What functional deficits might affect Amanda and Jacob? Considering their different developmental levels, list the deficits and describe their potential effects in the physical, cognitive-academic, and social-emotional areas of functioning. What interventions are appropriate, and how would they differ for each of these two individuals?
Articles: 1. Object recognition with severe spatial deficits in Williams syndrome: sparing and breakdown (By Barbara Landaua, James E. Hoffman, Nicole Kurz)
2. Perception of shapes targeting local and global processes in autism spectrum disorders (By Emma J. Grinter, Murray T. Maybery, Elizabeth Pellicano, Johanna C., Badcock and David R. Badcock)