What functional capabilities might sarah have

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133689886


Shanna Jones, an elementary physical educa- tion teacher, has been teaching for six years and loves her job. This year her new fifth-grade class has 25 students with diverse abilities. One girl, Sarah, has muscular dystrophy and uses a power wheelchair. In her six years as a teacher, Shanna has not had many students who used wheelchairs. She has heard of mus- cular dystrophy but knows little about it. She recently received a notice for an IEP meeting regarding Sarah. She saw on the notice that the nurse, physical therapist, occupational thera- pist, adapted physical education teacher, and classroom teacher would all be there. Shanna was looking forward to the meeting and knew from previous experience that the team of indi- viduals would provide helpful information. She was about to start a unit on balance activities and pyramids and was wondering what types of modifications she might make.

1. What functional capabilities might Sarah have?

2. How might these influence her ability to perform the skill themes and movement concepts in Shanna's class?

3. What are the functional components re- quired for balance and pyramid activi- ties?

4. What types of modifications might Shan- na make in her units to ensure success for Sarah?

Reference no: EM133689886

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