What function does classically conditioned association serve

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Reference no: EM133366566

Part 1.

Think of a classically conditioned response you have experienced and describe the response itself and your process of learning this response. In a short paragraph you need to explain the following; what was the process you went through in becoming classically conditioned, how were the stimuli paired, when did you experience the stimuli, how long did it take before the response (association) was learned? Be sure to identify the following in your description: neutral stimulus, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, conditioned response.

Part 2.

Answer the following questions as they relate to your described classically conditioned response.

1. What function does the classically conditioned association serve?

2. Could this association be extinguished? Explain the extinction procedure and how you would conduct it.

3. What is spontaneous recovery and how would you determine whether it had occurred during your procedure?

4. Could your conditioned association/response become generalized? Describe how the process of generalization would occur for your association.

Reference no: EM133366566

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