What forms of sexual harassment discrimination exist today

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133418548

  1. John, age 63, applied for a car sales position with FASTCARS, Inc. The company's usual clientele are young, professionals in their 30's. John has numerous years of experience and was asked to take a math test and a general aptitude test. He was disqualified from consideration for the sales position. 
      1. Per the chapter reading, what is required for employers when giving these tests to potential applicants and, what are some arguments John could allege as to discrimination against him?  facts John would need to know in order to argue he was discriminated against. 
  1. Leo, a manager, likes to hug employees in the morning and has been advised against this practice. Leo is mentally challenged, and most employees understand his limitations. Leo was shown videos that demonstrate appropriate touching and actions per sexual harassment in the workplace. Tom, a new employee, files a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company for Leo's hugs.
      1. What forms of sexual harassment discrimination exist today and, would Tom be successful?  Why or why not? 
      2. Does Leo's mental state help or hinder her lawsuit?  Why or why not? Share your thoughts.

Reference no: EM133418548

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