Reference no: EM132187303
Questions on the readings
Chapter 9
What factors explain the phenomenon of collaboration with the Nazis in the Baltic Countries, Belarus and Ukraine? In which of these countries was collaboration more widespread? How can one explain it?
What forms did collaboration take? What were the motivations of the collaborators? How do their motives compare to those of ethnic German perpetrators?
How does collaboration in the Baltic countries, Belarus and Ukraine compare to collaboration in Slovakia and Croatia? What factors pushed the Slovakian and Croatian puppet regimes to collaborate with the Nazis in the Holocaust?
What was Hungarian regime's initial approach towards the Jews? Why did Admiral Horthy oppose the deportation of all Jews from the country?
How did the Nazis manage to destroy most of Hungary's Jews? Who were Hungarian collaborators in terms of social origin, political affiliation and profession?
In what way was the Romanian participation in the Holocaust different from that of Hungary? How does Marshal Antonescu's policy towards the Jews compare to that of Admiral Horthy? What factors made Antonescu change his initial policy? What groups of Romanian Jews were affected more than others?
What factors explain that of all Hitler's allies, Bulgaria was the country where the Jews had the biggest chances to survive?
Mann demonstrates that for a considerable period of time the Fascist Italy lacked systematic anti-Semitic policy. What changed in the late 1930s? What made the puppet Italian republic of Salo in 1943 - 1945 particularly anti-Semitic?
What common features can one identify as one looks at non-German Nazi collaborators? What made them similar (and different) from the German Nazi perpetrators?
What would have been the fate of East European Jews and other ethnic minorities if there had been no Nazi Germany?