Reference no: EM13737413
How did Radical [or Congressional] reconstruction differ from Johnson's reconstruction plan?
Be able to discus southern resistance to reconstruction [1867-1876]....political, social, & otherwise.
How (and when) did Reconstruction come to an end?
Scholars have said that the "North won the Civil War, the South won Reconstruction." How did Reconstruction ultimately fail? It what ways was it a failure...It was ways was it a success?
Be able to provide some examples of Native peoples of the west as well as different American peoples who traveled west.
What forces (social, technological, political, etc.) made westward expansion possible?
Generally - what were some of the many factors pulled & pushed Americans people to the west?
Describe US Indian policy during the 1870's - 1890. [Reservation policy, Assimilation, Detribalization]
What was the Carslie School system and what was the philosophy (or strategy) behind its creation?
Compare and contrast a few examples of present-day Western myths versus historical realities.
How did the Robber Barons of the day monopolize their markets? Examples [Who, what, how]
Define Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Industries. Give examples of each.
How did Horatio Alger contribute to the prevailing social thought of his day?
In what ways was his writing a reaction to the new industrial era?
Give examples of reactions different groups in American society had to the Monopolies of the day. How did Americans react to the new Industrial Era? [thoughts, movements, philosophies, actions]
How did Urban growth [Urbanization] expand during the Industrial Era [1876 - 1890]?
Who was Fredrick W. Taylor and how did he impact American life during his time?
Name some prominent Americans who contributed to the "Ideology of Expansion" or American Empire in the late 1800's. Expand upon other social, military, and economic factors which also contributed.
How did events that occurred in Cuba and the Philippines influence the attitude of the American public towards war with Spain?
Generally understand the events that sparked the war with Spain. What allies did the US rely on during the War with Spain?
What the territories did the US acquire when Spain surrendered?
Under what conditions did the US grant Cuban Independence? Why did the US hold and occupy other territories instead of promoting independence? Understand arguments for and against US colonialism??
What gave rise to Anti-Imperialism sentiments within the US following the War with Spain?
Detail some of the many factors which helped facilitate Urbanization in the US.
Define the Progressive Era (1880's - 1920) or what characterizes the period? What were some major concerns of this time?
Be aware of some Progressives or Reformers of the day. Who were they and what issues did they address?
Why was the Women's Movement and the Temperance Movement so closely linked? Why did this empower women?
Understand the importance of the Plessey Vs. Ferguson (1896) and Williams Vs. Mississippi (1898) cases. How did they impact America for many years to come?
How did the new generation of African American leadership react to growing racism? What were the competing philosophies of the day? [BTW / DuBois]
Understand how Theodore Roosevelt used the Sherman Anti-Trust to break up large monopolies. Why did Roosevelt feel that the government should have the authority to break up large trusts and to protect competition?
In what ways did President Roosevelt project American power in the Caribbean as well as in the Atlantic and Pacific?
Detail the two major European military alliances that existed in 1914. What event triggered these alliances and WWI?
In what ways did President Wilson attempt to maintain US neutrality prior to 1917?
How was the United States drawn into the European War in 1917?
Described the League of Nations as envisioned by President Wilson and how did the country reacted.