What foods can you consume to get these missing vitamins

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133450394

Case Study: After you complete your 7 days of entering everything you eat and drink into the NutriCalc Plus or the App of your choice (Cronometer and Foodstruct work well), download/export your results/bar graph report and save to your computer/D2L locker and submit into this dropbox. Use the results to help you answer the questions below. Be sure to submit your 7 day nutrition log results, as well as, the answers to the questions into the dropbox. Do not submit multiple pictures or screen shots, if you are using screen shots, organize them together onto 1 word document.

Questions: Answer these 8 questions fully based on your log results, and submit them to this dropbox either in the comments or on a word document. Be sure to let me know what program/app you used.

1. According to your results, what vitamins are less than 100% in your diet?

2. Research and list the symptoms/deficiencies associated with all of the vitamins in which you have less than 100%? Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

3. Research and list what foods can you consume to get these missing vitamins into your diet?

4. According to your results, what minerals are less than 100% in your diet?

5. Research the symptoms/deficiencies associated with all of the minerals that are not 100%? Are you experiencing any of the symptoms?

6. Research and list the foods you could consume to include the missing minerals into your diet?

7. Estimate the percentage of food you consumed that was processed food?

8. What are 2 dietary changes/adjustments you could make that could make a big impact on your health?


Reference no: EM133450394

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