What figure of speech is fitzgerlad using

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133326521

Assignment: The Great Gatsby

1. Nick Says that most uninvited guests "displayed behavior associated with amusement parks." What figure of speech is Fitzgerlad using? What theme is being illustrated with this remark?

2. Myrtlye's sister says, " I would hate to have gatsby get anything on me." What is she implying about Gatsby's livelihood?

3. Tom says Jordan's family "shouldn't let her run around the country like that." And " women run around too much these days to suit me." What theme do these two remarks illustrate?

4. Nick constantly refers to his maid as the " Finn." This and the fact he has a maid at all illustrates what theme in gatsby?

5. Nick says that gatsby " wants to see more of tom." But does he? What does gatsby want?

6. what does it mean that gatsby knew women early in life?

7. The valley of ashes and the T.J. Eckleburg billboard employ what literary device?

8. Myrtle "raised her eyebrows in despair over the shiftlessness [laziness] of the lower orders." This is a satirical reflection of the central theme is gatsby.

9. Geographically, east and west eggs represent what parts of America?

10. what does the color yellow symbolize?

11. Gatsby doesn't drink, but he is a bootlegger. What literary device does this illustrate?

12. Jordan baker lied about leaving a borrowed car with the top down in the rain and probably cheated at golf. But nick says, "dishonesty in a woman is something you never blame deeply. " what theme is illustrated here?

13. Nick's unflattering description of the nose of the Jewish danger, Meyer Wolfsheim, illustrates what the theme is in gatsby.

Reference no: EM133326521

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