What factors would help to convince you

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131822228

Discussion (PUTTING YOU ON) Many alleged studies are misleading in that the conclusions are often based on undisclosed premises. Parenting books state that an advantage to breastfeeding is that it makes women healthier; what is not stated is that women who breastfeed tend to follow stricter diets, and it is the diets that actually makes them healthier. If you looked at statistics for the number of tires replaced in a given year, would you be surprised to find out that Toyota Camry tops the list for wearing out tires? It shouldn't since it is the most popular car in America. And in 2000, Sen.

Daschle (D-South Dakota) pushed his gun control agenda against Pres. Bush when he stated "Do you realize that the majority of vendors at gun shows don't do background checks on their customers;" while true, what he failed to mention is that the majority of vendors at gun shows don't sell guns (they sell food, t-shirts, souvenirs, etc.), but not guns. Nonetheless, this quasi-truth aroused the voters. Name another conclusion that, while true, is based on misconception. There are multitudes of them in regards to health and politics, so keep your eyes open. If you cannot find one, then make one up (use your creativity and silliness if you wish).

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- Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner

Discussion (TRUTH IN ADVERTISING) Infomercials often peddle products under the guise of "studies show...". While some of the products are surprisingly good (e.g., FoodSaver, Foreman Grill, Ronco Rotisserie), many of the products are not. Why should you be initially suspicious of any products advertised on these shows, despite the "existence" of data? What factors would help to convince you that the claims might be true?

- Post a complete response to the question
- Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner

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The discussion presented in the article is about the misconceptions and the infomercials in general. The discussion emphasized the basis for misconceptions as well other information like why one should not believe infomercials immediately is presented with. The information presented in structured and scholarly manner.

Reference no: EM131822228

Questions Cloud

Confidence interval for the true mean age : Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the true mean age of Winter Foothill College students.
Discuss what would you accept as satisfactory documentary : What would you accept as satisfactory documentary evidence in support of entries in the following
Using the same mean-standard deviation : Using the same mean, standard deviation and level of confidence, suppose that n were 69 instead of 25. Would the error bound become larger or smaller?
Compute the amount of cash dividends paid : Choose the relevant data and prepare the income statement for the fiscal year. The final three lines of the income statement should be labeled earnings.
What factors would help to convince you : What factors would help to convince you that the claims might be true - what is not stated is that women who breastfeed tend to follow stricter diets
Standard deviation and sample size : Using the same mean, standard deviation and sample size, how would the error bound change if the confidence level were reduced to 90%? Why?
Compute the working capital and the current ratio : Compute the working capital, the current ratio, and the quick ratio after each of the following transactions
What is the value of growing perpetuity : The payments are expected to go on indefinitely and the interest rate is 12%. What is the value of the growing perpetuity?
Prepare a balance sheet for the new corporation : Tom Makaw decided to incorporate his company on May 31, 20X1, by selling 5,000 shares of stock for $10 each and keeping 10,000 shares for himself.



1/19/2018 1:42:50 AM

Please do it well Discussion 6A- 300 words Discussion 6B- 300 words Please give this assignment to the best expert • Post a complete response to the question by Thursday, 11:59pm CST. • Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to at least one of your classmates by Sunday, 11:59pm CST at the end of the week. Refer to the MBA Discussions power point presentation for tips on how to gain maximum learning and points from your discussion engagement.

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Accepting Manipulation or Manipulating

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