What factors should considered to provide maximal protection

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13269898

The grading rubric for this assignment is shown below. Please pay special attention to all of the length requirements and your APA formatting.

1. What factors should be considered to provide maximal protection when people are exercising in the cold?

2. How would training at medium altitude and then competing at higher altitude affect a runner's performance? How would training at sea level affect a runner's performance?

3. Discuss the health risks associated with acute exposure to high altitude and how can these risks be minimized?

4. What alterations occur in strength, power, and muscular endurance with physical detraining?

5. What similarities do we see between spaceflight and detraining? Why does the body make these adaptations during spaceflight?

Reference no: EM13269898

Questions Cloud

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What factors should considered to provide maximal protection : What factors should be considered to provide maximal protection when people are exercising in the cold and discuss the health risks associated with acute exposure to high altitude and how can these risks be minimized.
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