What factors led to disintegration of joint family system

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Reference no: EM133373681

During the 1800s, and well into the 1900s, families took care of their own members whenever possible. Several generations lived together, with the younger generation taking care of the older and vice versa. Post 1900s, the joint family system started disintegrating.

Interview at least five people of varying ages from different families to know their perspective on disintegration of joint family system. Based on your interview findings and learning from your readings, respond to the following questions:

What factors led to disintegration of the joint family system?

What has been the impact of this disintegration on aging people and long-term care?

Did disintegration have any benefits for health service organizations? Why or why not?

At the same time this shift occurred in the family structure, health care organizations were experiencing continuous changes in their operating styles. The long-term care system took some time to catch up with the changing nature of businesses. In the 1990s and early 2000s, long-term care was seen to experience several turbulent changes, particularly related to its operations, management, and structure. Research the South University Online Library and the Internet to find information on the changes in the long-term care system in the United States and respond to the following questions:

How have the operations, management, and structural changes of the 1990s and early 2000s impacted the long-term care system today?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the present long-term care system in the United States?

Reference no: EM133373681

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