What factors influence meaning

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Reference no: EM133367703


How can our socialization in groups and larger society help us make sense of what we see? Apply one or two concepts, ideas or theories to support and discuss the images in the PowerPoint.

1. Are there some dominant messages we often get from such images? How about messages that are specifically sub-cultural and may mean particular things in particular contexts (sub-cultures) but not in dominant society? Apply one or two concepts, ideas, or theories to support and discuss the images in the PowerPoint.

2. What factors influence meaning (for example, think about the impact of age, race, class, politics, gender, etc.)? How so? Apply one or two concepts, ideas or theories to support and discuss the images in the PowerPoint.

3. Think about how we create meaning through interaction. What would happen if we were to add more to the background of the picture? Apply one or two concepts, ideas or theories to support and discuss the images in the PowerPoint.

4. Sociologists use three main theoretical frameworks to interpret social life. How can we use the major theoretical perspectives to interpreting the images in the PowerPoint? Apply one or two of the perspectives to create a sociological post and discuss the images in the PowerPoint. Recall the three perspectives discussed.

Reference no: EM133367703

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