What factors are important in helping residents establish

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Reference no: EM133632199

Discussion Post

Question I. Supporters of civilian review boards believe that it is impossible for the police to objectively review actions of their colleagues and emphasize that the police culture demands that police officers support each other, even if the know something illegal has occurred. Opponents of civilian review boards stress that civilians cannot possibly understand the complexities of the policing profession and that it is demeaning to be reviewed by an external source. Do you favor civilian review boards? Why or why not? Justify your answer.

Question II. Explain the definition of the broken windows phenomenon (neighborhood disorder); to include abandoned buildings, graffiti, public drunkenness, fighting, etc. How does this affect crime and what can the police do to overcome it? What factors are most important in helping residents establish a "sense of community?"

Reference no: EM133632199

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